Two little birds

Two little birds
Singing Sweet songs of melodies pure and true

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Esther Pee Magoo

While traveling to several places in China and southeast Asia I embraced the nickname my dad gave me, Esther Pee Magoo, and had traditional Chinese name-stamps made, some in English and some in Cantonese and/or Mandarin. Upon returning to the States and acclimating back into western society I decided to use those stamps as a tool, along with the calligraphy brushes, rolls of rice paper and paints I picked up over seas to illustrate the memories and images that resurfaced from my adventures.


  1. Wow cool stuff Chelsea! I like :)

  2. Nice Chels. I may be interested in a purchase =)

  3. LOVE THIS!!! Some really beautiful work "Magoo"! ;)I absolutely adore the birdies and the first oil painting. I can definitely see growth in your work. I'm smitten. xo

  4. Really nice work,Chelsea! Would be great to see your stuff on Tumblr, too.


  5. I love the first picture on this post, it's got a great vibe,depth in culture, and personality; not to mention those stamps are like the icing on the cake, awesome traditional addition.
